Friday, July 17, 2009

Gotong Royong increase my friendship rate

Today my school having Gotong Royong,
man, so "many" people come!!! [NOT!]
assembly starts,
boring, 10% of fun.

We had singing competition and story telling,
about the singing stratch that, story telling for me, Sharon, Michelle and Christin enjoyed the best.
Haha~~ the story drama characters got a doll, a clown and a bear.
LOL really funny. Especially the clown..

9pm we begin to cleaned our classroom,
Sharon, michelle & Christin that includes me of course.
We cleaned the whole class room about 1 hour and we begin chatting.
also played together and talk, sing and laugh a lot.

Taekwondo lesson~
Mr.Lee mood is back,
the last lesson was Whooo~~ Scary
this time have fun and exercise a lot.
During half way of the training, my stomach is "upset",
painful. But I didn't let Mr.Lee down, just keep on training.

Lost weight already~~
Hahahaha~ Oh yes!!!
3 kg!!!!


pRiNcE eMoWeN said...

u c u c u c~~~~pain agn?sure no eat agn norx...haix,wah...lost liao 3 kg someore
wo sha liao X_X

єміко えみこ™ ♥ said...

got eat la. little portion. hehe
happy leh 3 kg.

pRiNcE eMoWeN said...

==ni oni knw jian fei jian fei jian fei~~~
dunid jian liao >M<

єміко えみこ™ ♥ said...

no. hv to. fat leh!! =="

pRiNcE eMoWeN said...

bu hui narx~~~lol
dun jian le

cold said...

i miss when i stil no change skul de gotong royong tat time!><

єміко えみこ™ ♥ said...

yeah lo!! I miss u leh Wendy when u in school with us

christin said...

ya need jian fei le la....u r so good le../...
n happy u say about you happy stay with us ya..... fren forever ya...

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