Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Photobucket New Me 2013

Is such a long time I didn't update my blog
Kind of lazy and so many things happened this year.

Hmm seems like just 3months but feels like it never happened
LOL, anyways I'm officially 21years old, Imagine, I'm older.
Have to keep looking young I don't want to look old (Scared) xD

Nothing much this year but there is one thing I've changed
remember I said before I likeD my senior?
Well I'm decided to let him go, is impossible to be with him

Number 1-He is popular in so many ways, 
is just too difficult to get his attention.

Number 2- Yes he has looks and all but I've lots of doubts in him,
when he flirts with someone I really will go depressed all the way

Number 3- What I did for him before is my effort if he can't see it,
then I have to stop trying. Because is useless to put effort on someone
 who didn't even look me in the eye and talked to me.

Senior, I'm sorry because you are really difficult to understand, your popularity,
you shine very bright till I can't even bare to stay clinging on you. Sometimes,
I feel bad that I even did something you don't like. Whenever I text you, 
you don't reply much and sometimes ignore me. You're a great person, but
maybe you're not into a girl like me. 

Skip the topic, I got sick quite often recently since the beginning of the year.
Reason? Simple changed of weather in Kuwait Humid and cold.
Still remember I got really sick, nose blocked, no voice and sore throat.
 I wanted to find my roomate to go clinic with me
In the end I didn't go because I'm exhausted and fell asleep in the end.

The next day I need to go to the office to do paper work
Is like counting on myself to hold on and be strong.
Then I was on the way to deal with my exit permit for my leaved on February,
I went to the cafeteria and ate breakfast, and I saw a friend of mine. A steward.

 Very nice guy, I flew with him last year October 2012 operated a flight together, 
to Bangkok. At first when I see him I don't find him interesting to talked to.
But times goes by we get along, is funny when you think something it turn up another way.

I remembered I was depressed at that time with my senior, argument between my roomate
I ask him for advice and he has the same similar situation to deal with my case.
That's why we talked usually is my personal problem.

Anyway back to the cafeteria, he was having airport standby
(which is wait for 4hours if didn't get pulled for a flight is boring xD)
But is good that I bump into him, I was sitting at a corner whereas
 he was sitting on another table with somebody else.
After that person left he came to me and talked.

Is funny that we smile at each other plus my "sexy" voice,
Sore throat kills xD
But he doesn't mind, in fact he asked me do I need him to fetch me to a doctor
Well I didn't want to give him trouble just because of that, so I said no need.
Then he offered me a ride home instead of waiting for my public transport back home.

He is really nice, I mean like when I needed a person he was there.
Ya, we flirt on whatsapp and all but just random text. 
He asked me out after the next day when he drop me off my apartment.

The next day after my flight, I went dinner with him,
I was feeling scared at first but at the end I enjoyed having him by my side.
Then I started to like him, more and more each day.

Love really comes and go, first time of my life
I like a person who I didn't actually think of.
Life is full of wonders. God bless everyone ;)

Stay tuned next post, goodnight/morning/evening to whole world :D

Photobucket Emiko

Monday, December 3, 2012

Photobucket Happy Birthday to someone special

Date :21/11/2012
Venue: Dome, Pavilion KL

Today I meeting my senior to celebrate his Birthday early
Because I don't have the chance to return to Kuala Lumpur during his actual birthday.

Anyways, I was nervous to see him,
I can't wait to see his face when I gave him a surprise.
Recently he was down and upsad about something,
makes me worried for him even though is non of my business

I still care for him.

I went to Dome and waited for him.
Is like so long till I called him and asked him where he is.
It seems that he was at another Dome coffee shop and I was at the entrance.

I rush and run to that coffee shop after I called him.
still no where in sight, I called him again and I keep laughing.
(I was excited actually)

After that he went out of Dome entrance and saw me
and we talked a lot (Mostly about me, lol feel guitly).
This time is just two of us,
I feel nervous and happy at the same time.

I started giving him the presents I've prepared for him 
 Taken and decorated by Senior

Aww...Senior, I'm so happy you liked my surprise.
Wish you happy birthday my special one ;)

I wish to see the smile on your face,
I wish that I was the reason behind the smile.
And surprisingly both of us are happy.

I made this for him as well. Onigiri and Tamagoyaki.
I love the smiley face but the shape is not really nice.
Didn't know how difficult it is. I know is not perfect, but oh well..

He said is cute, I hope he like it when he tasted it.
I brought him a small cake in Bread Talk.
Luckily I had a candle and a lighter.

Make a wish Senior.
Happy 21st Birthday, my special one. ;)
 Hope all your wishes can come true

He look so happy isn't he?
I will remember this moment forever.

Taken by me

 Taken by him.

I invited him to my 21st birthday next year.
I wish he would attend.

God bless, hope my wishes can come true.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Photobucket Lost

“My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite.”

I could simple say I'm lost...
Feel there is nothing but shame.
I'm done with my life...Is just never the same back home

Wherever I go there is some asshole like to look right and left
then touch you all of the sudden
The fear of it, the phobia is getting bad..

I ran into you,
I called you, I tried to talk to someone about it

You choose to ignore..
What am I to you? You break my heart
Even though you are not mine, but...still I feel depressed 
I will leave you alone
Set you free...



Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Photobucket Heart Speak



I really like you a lot,
is just difficult to put in to words
I don't just want to say: "Senior,I like you"
Words are just words, but Action means everything...
why can't you see my action? Why can't you see how I feel?

I miss you till I fall for you...

I drenched in your love, I no longer able to hold myself back...


Friday, September 14, 2012

PhotobucketHappy Photo Valentine Day/相片亲人节快乐

Happy Photo Valentine Day
14/9 相片情人节快乐


I drenched in your love 
I'm no longer able to hold it back...


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Photobucket I drenched in your love

08th September 2012

Today is the most happiest day of my life
I've a lunch date with my Senior.
I prepared to pass him the Gucci Bag he asked me to help him purchased
The Gucci Bag and some souvenir for Senior
This is what's in the Body Shop Bag
Toblerone Chocolate
GuyLian Chocolate 
Hard Rock Badge
Bye Bye Fever
Senior said he's sick, 
when he posted a picture of him instagram
I feel bad when his sick, I'm worried about him
when he drink alcohol while his recovering,
 I will advice him to drink some home remedy.

 So I went to 7-Eleven to buy him the Bye Bye fever
Hope it helps senior.

Out out here we go,
I met him in Fahrenheit 88
I went out with his Gucci Bag people are staring at me
Like I'm a rich girl, lol, even people are gossiping

Anyways after I've reached,
 I was surprise he bring his twin brother along
LOL, actually I can differentiate which is Senior
and his brother. Honestly his brother really nice 
both of them are.

We went to Sushi Zanmai 
Yummy I'm loving this 

This sushi is Senior and his brother order,
 but all of us share share. 
Actually I'm nervous to have 2 guys in front of me eating,
but I feel save ;)

Senior's brother is very talkative person, 
I can see why Senior said his smart
he is not just smart he is a stylish person
 Aka "Style-lo"

For my senior,
I just think his a wonderful person.
Whenever he smiles and laugh I will feel happy
I really missed the times we had today.

After lunch we went for a short walk to shopping center
Let's view view :D
They were like "Which clothes to choose?" :D
So cute right? Look at the Gucci Bag on Senior's hand
and his brother with the body shop bag 

Haha, I'll be the camwhore person
Senior's brother choosing clothes 
like I said for me his a style-lo person.

I guess every person has a specialty 
Here is senior Camwhore 

Thank you senior and senior's brother of your time
I really thankful for this day,
my wish come true for I had lunch with senior.
Is rare and difficult to ask him out.
Consider myself lucky. I feel lucky to had lunch with him

I miss spending time with him
I wish to have a date with him again...
Sigh..I still can't stop thinking of senior, I miss him very much
But, I can't said it out.

I miss his incoming call...
I miss when he whatsapp me...
I miss when he laugh on the phone...
I miss him when he said I'm cute...

When minutes become hours
When days become years
And I don’t know where you are
Color seems so dull without you

I’m drenched in your love
I’m no longer able to hold it back

I miss you.. Senior

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Photobucket Your words means everything to me

If only you knew your words meant so much to me
Even though you want to meet me to get your Gucci Bag from me
Yes, finally I helped you got your bag you always wanted

In an exchange I want to have lunch with you
Is it too much to ask one day of your time?
I'm coming to KL for few days 
and you still have plans after you treat me lunch

Can I ever receive this message again in the future?
Do you know how happy I am to receive your call?
Do you know how touched I am when you say I'm cute?
Why can't you see how much I miss you?
Why can't you see how much I care for you?

I miss you!

I miss you!







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